In 2013 Gore Range Artisans Group was borne of a vision to breathe new life, inspiration and creativity into Grand County through art, artistic expression and co-operative efforts to support others in these endeavors. In 2014 Gore Range Artisans Group is currently comprised of 15 artisans who have united as a team to establish a Retail Gallery and future Educational Center on the main drag (Hwy 40/Park Ave.) of Kremmling, CO.
Members pooled their resources to renovate the former main office of Bob's Western Motel. The artists are currently in the process of hanging and displaying their wares which has resulted in an exciting infusion of artistic creative energy. Gore Range Artisans Group greatest contribution to date has been bringing to light numerous jewels of phenomenal artistic talent hiding out in our little mountain town. Inspiring future potential events and activities include open air markets, unique fund raisers, artist presentations, featured artist gallery showings and community involvement, to further the arts for children and adults. Our goal is to make art assessable, approachable, community-building and fun!
about G.R.A.G.
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