Bill Janson
Late Blooming artist, Bill Janson recalls his first paint by numbers oil of a floral still life that was of no interest. Painting outside the lines, the scene quickly evolved into the first of many inspired mountain, sky water and tree landscapes. After high school, the military called Bill to service. He was stationed in Alaska, Colorado and elsewhere and received an honorable discharge inthe late 1960’s. At that time he moved back to New York. Not long after moving back to New York he married Kathie Draeger, whom he met in Colorado.The couple lived in New York for a few years then headed west and settled in Summit County, Colorado in 1980. Years later, his mother's upcoming surgery and birthday prompted him to pick up his brushes, to surprise her with a painting when she came home. He has that painting to this day. The 90’s found Bill and his family very busy in Kremmling, Colorado owning three businesses. His mother encouraged him to find a relaxing outlet....

...To do so, he began painting more and more, mostly in the evenings. He proclaims he is self- taught and his work evolved slowly. Bill’s wife, Kathie, was an adventurous painter in her own right. The couple had two beautiful girls together. She passed in 2007 at a great loss to him. Searching for solace, Bill continued to paint a bit. Now with businesses sold and retired into what he refers to as 'the long shadows of life', he has time to devote to painting which is what he often does. From the first painting until now, Bill does not always stay within the lines but keeps to the recurring themes of mountain, sky, water and trees. Bill says that he has had the pleasure to be humbled and inspired by many artists. To name a few: Pem Dunn, Karen Vance, Susiehyer, David Mayer, and there are many more. In Bill's words, "Over the years, I have found peace and comfort in the quiet and away places. The sunsets, so beautiful, they bring a tear to the eye. The sky, mountains, water and trees have always inspired me and brought me peace. It is my hope that my work will take you to a quiet and away place, bringing the beholder pleasure and peace."