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Maureen Keefe

"Once in a Blue Moon" a Super Moon lands in your lap. Behind every great photographer is a great photographer's dog~if they are lucky that is! Remington is a great photographer's dog for so many reasons. On this particular day, it was the most basic of doggie needs that orchestrated this event.He had to "go out". When I stepped outside with him, this moonrise was in progress. The photographer, Grand County Colorado resident, Maureen Keefe, is a former flatlander from MN. Fifteen years later, Rocky Mountain naturescapes and wildlife continue to provide ceaseless intrigue for her. Untrained, she has learned digital photography on a wing and a prayer. She has a unique relationship with the birds in her valley, discovering that they love to be photographed and engaged with. Her most poignant moment was the day one of 3 hawk hatchlings perished. "Mama" soared over Maureen circling lower than ever before, crooning in response to Keefe's expressed condolences as they connected heart to heart in their shared loss. Encounters with birds and animals, and even the moon can expand our perception of the world we live in if we just take a moment to "be with them". It is Maureen's desire that you experience a sense of this with her images.

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